A tree for Margherita Hack

Margherita Hack
La Prof.ssa Maria Lodovica Gullino e la targa apposta accanto al Prunus cerasifera dedicato a Margherita Hack
La Prof.ssa Maria Lodovica Gullino e la targa apposta accanto al Prunus cerasifera dedicato a Margherita Hack
La Prof.ssa Maria Lodovica Gullino e la targa apposta accanto al Prunus cerasifera dedicato a Margherita Hack
La cerimonia di inaugurazione
La piantumazione

For the European Researchers’ Night 2021 in Torino, weTree Association dedicated a tree to Margherita Hack.

European Researchers’ Night 2021:
(planting a Prunus cerasifera, commonly known as myrobalan plum)


Ada Lovelace Day 2021:
affixing the plaque to the tree dedicated to Margherita Hack)


On 24 September 2021 in Torino, near Valentino Castle, on the occasion of the European Researchers’ Night, for Sharper project, Margherita Hack (1922-2013) was dedicated a tree, a Prunus cerasifera, commonly known as myrobalan plum.


In the tribute to this eminent researcher in the field of Astrophysics, also renowned as a woman with lots of interests, weTree Association was supported by Città di Torino, Università di Torino (Unito) and Politecnico di Torino (Polito).


The initiative was attended by Prof. Maria Lodovica Gullino (Unito, spokesperson for weTree), Prof. Arianna Montorsi (Polito), Dr. Alessia Dino (Unito), Dr. Antonella Trombetta (Unito), Dr. Elisa Tinozzi (Polito) and Dr. Angela La Rotella (Polito).


In addition to Torino, weTree Association has proposed to plant a symbolic tree dedicated to a female scientist also in the cities of Perugia, Pavia, Camerino and Catania.




Ada Lovelace Day was held this year on October 12th, highlighting once more the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. This celebration is dedicated to female scientists and to all students wishing to pursue a career in the STEM disciplines, in the footsteps of the daughter of Lord Byron Ada Lovelace, who in 1840 developed the first software in history.


Numerous initiatives have been held in various Italian cities on this occasion. In Torino, the partners of Sistema Scienza Piemonte, coordinated by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, promoted a series of events that marked this celebration involving schools and citizens.


weTree, in collaboration with Città di Torino, Università di Torino and Politecnico di Torino, wanted to enhance the contribution of women in science by affixing on this day the plaque in honor of the Italian astrophysicist Margherita Hack at the tree she was dedicated at Valentino Park, a myrobalan plum planted last September 24th on the occasion of the European Researchers’ Night.



weTree’s mission is to increase urban greenery within urban centres and enhance the role of women in this post-pandemic recovery time. Not only woodlands but also recognition of the role of women.


In the slider on the top of the page:


Photo no. 1:
Margherita Hack. Public domain.


Photos no. 2, 3, 4:
Prof. Maria Lodovica Gullino and the plaque affixed next to the Prunus cerasifera dedicated to Margherita Hack.


Photo n. 5, from left to right: Dr. Alessia Dino (Unito), Dr. Angela La Rotella (Polito), Prof. Maria Lodovica Gullino (Unito, spokesperson for weTree), Prof. Arianna Montorsi (Polito), Dr. Elisa Tinozzi (Polito), Dr. Antonella Trombetta (Unito).


Photo no. 6: Workers intent to plant the Prunus cerasifera.