
weTree and “La Città per il Verde 2021” Award

a fruitful collaboration

weTree and the publisher Il Verde Editoriale have joined forces for a common goal: the increase and enhancement of urban green. The Milanese publishing house has been committing itself for more than twenty years to environmental issues and by joining weTree project, it confirms its engagement started in 2000 with the sponsoring of the annual green city award “La Città per il Verde”, aimed at promoting more beautiful, liveable and healthier cities in Italy.


Caprotti Zavaritt Gorle (BG) – Winner of La Città del verde 2020


Even though it is well known that flowerbeds, trees, meadows, gardens and parks do contribute to reducing urban air pollution and heat islands, thus mitigating the effects of an increasingly unpredictable climate, boosting green measures is not always among the priority themes of the Italian mayors’ agenda.

“La Città per il Verde” award turned up to be a great incentive for a more serious commitment of Italian municipalities to urban greenery projects and plant care programmes, with the following goals:

  • capturing all local green initiatives and environmental attitudes;
  • enhancing the most valuable interventions and the best green management solutions;
  • communicating good practice through different media channels in order to reach the widest possible audience, springing a sort of green wave throughout Italy for more beautiful, healthier and sustainable towns and cities.


Radicity Napoli – Winner of La Città del verde 2020


ACER, bimonthly technical magazine for professional stakeholders and the public sector, has been focusing on the “green culture” enhancement for 37 years, highlighting the role of the environment for the adaptation of urban and extra-urban areas to climate change impact.
Ornamental arboriculture, landscape design, maintenance and management of greenery, environmental recovery, irrigation and ecological networks are among its flagships.
In 2011 ACER started to release ACER Quality (AQ), editorial annex dedicated to urban sustainability, circular economy and urban waste, with a focus on biodegradable and compostable materials.

Massafra (TR) – Winner of La Città del verde 2020


Il Verde Editoriale thus combines the technical knowledge and know-how acquired in so many years to the mediatic resonance of weTree, strongly supported by three renowned women: Ilaria Borletti Buitoni, Ilaria Capua and Maria Lodovica Gullino.

The agronomist Anna Letizia Monti has won the weTree special award “La Città per il Verde 2021” for the project “Parco del Nure” at San Giorgio Piacentino.